Refreshed and Refueled: Camp Kammok 2018

Posted by: Andrew Glenn

We recently hosted Camp Kammok, a 2-night camping experience deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Nearly 300 campers traveled from California, Oregon, Colorado, and across Texas to experience the weekend, joining us to champion community, adventure, and love at Reveille Peak Ranch.

There were many who experienced the wonder of sleeping outside for the first time. Dozens pushed their comfort zones and went rappelling, mountain biking, and paddleboarding for the first time. Others simply took solace in the opportunity to rest.

We are grateful to our 300 campers that made community, adventure and love come alive in the Texas Hill Country, reminding us to say “yes” to sleeping outside and pushing past comfort zones more often.

We hope our camper’s experiences inspire you to seek the refreshment and aliveness that comes from time spent outside. May you also be encouraged to explore outside your comfort zone this month!

    1.  “Of all the things I learned at #CampKammok, here’s what I’ll take away, kids: adventure is what you make of it. Sharing meals with strangers, letting your freak flag fly during silent disco, camping for the first time!! The magic lies beyond your comfort zone. Strangers become friends, smiles get wider, and your hammock becomes your home.”
      -Sarah Fischer (@dearchickpea)

    1. “People want to see places and do the things, but limit themselves with worries about athletic capability, finances, location, etc. The weekend did a perfect job of making outdoor adventure both approachable and accessible. It’s was the gateway to more adventures and inspiring people to *do more.*”  -Emilee Prado (@emileeprado)

    2. “The last few days I was able to spend time with Kammok at camp capturing those embracing adventure but most importantly practicing gratitude for the outdoors and gathering in community. Today my heart is filled with thankfulness that creativity continues to surprise me with new experiences, friends and life-giving adventures. Here’s to more exploring!”
      -Erica Tello (@helloitstello)

    3. “Today marks one month of BEING MARRIED!!! We celebrated with Kammok at #campkammok this weekend... where we mountain biked, stand-up paddleboarded, went on nature walks, took a siesta in the sun, hammock camped, enjoyed delicious food, and spent time with some really inspiring people. We also unplugged for the weekend (hence the lack of pics), which was much needed.”
      -Brittannie Rolfes Cooper (@brolfes.cooper)

    4. “I’ve never camped. In my entire life. But in the spirit of “never say no to an adventure,” I signed up for Camp Kammok. It was the best decision I’ve made in awhile. I feel like I belonged and the Kammok Crew walked me through everything I needed to know to make my first hammock camping experience a success. I walked into camp a rookie and left camp feeling like a pro. The best part about Camp Kammok? The amazing community that was formed in a mere 48 hours. Until next year!”
      -Melissa Walton (@melissalwalton)

    5. “Camp Kammok was the most actively restful weekend we've had in a long time. It was the perfect chance to come together with a group of people and celebrate our love of the outdoors, love of other people, and the life change that can happen when you bring both together. We left the weekend blown away by the depth of relationship we felt with those we'd just met and especially excited for our adventures ahead as a couple.”
      -Jason Johnston (@jasonjohnson12)

    1.  I went out [to Camp Kammok] to get in some quality relaxing, soak up some sun and get away from technology. I drove away that weekend with a handful of new friends, new Kammok gear and a refreshed attitude on life and friendship.
      I may have ventured out there as my own single self, but I definitely walked away with hammock full of new friends. Cheers y’all to great adventures and new friends!”
      -Dani Clark (@thiswildermess)

    2. “[Camp Kammok] restored my faith in humanity and renewed my soul. It reminded me that job sharing gave me a similar solace, confidently unplugging in order to enjoy the small things, nature, my little humans, and quality time with myself.”
      -Melissa Nicholson (@melissanicholson1, photo by @helloitstello)


Campers, our hearts are full. Thank you for sharing how you were strengthened through the adventure, community, and love bred at #CampKammok. As a reminder, continue to spend time outdoors, prioritizing rest and adventure. See you soon, friends.

-Team Kammok

Miss this Camp Kammok? Sign up for our events calendar, and we’ll see you at the next Kammok hang!

Header photo by Ashley Chinni.