Kammok: SXSW: Inspiration Station
So many things to talk about! I will narrow it down to one for now. Even though we just launched an amazing new website www.kammok.com that you should check out, I will fill you in on our insane SXSW party a few weeks ago.
Most of you know from our social media posts that we just moved into a new location in Austin, TX. The building is an old train station on Austin's East Side not far from our friends at HELM Boots and the East Austin Art Studios. We call it our "Inspiration Station". This space is a true Austin hidden treasure and a perfect fit for Kammok Culture.
Our move in landed perfectly in time for SXSW, so we decided we needed to kick off our new office and showroom with a little party for the Kammok, SXSW and Austin Community. We invited our friends The Music Bed, WELD and The Austin Bouldering Project to be a part of the celebration with us because just like kammocking, you can't do it alone!
Our team put a weeks worth of work into building our Kammok showroom from scratch, it was a huge task but we love to build, create and inspire every minute we get. The showroom is now open to the public 10-4 Monday through Friday, so drop by and grab some new Kammok gear if you are in Austin or passing through! (979 Springdale)
The party was named "Inspiration Station" (our name for Kammok headquarters) and began on the first day of the music portion of SXSW. We invited our Austin natives "Friendly Savages" to open for two of NPR's top 100 music acts that included "Air Review" and our close friends and Kammok Ambassadors "Seryn". We set up the outdoors for the day with bocce ball, washers, and of course a ton of Roo Hammocks for everyone to relax and "hang" out in.
It was an epic introduction to our new home in Austin, to say the least. A beautiful Austin SXSW day, with incredible music, amazing brews, cider, food and an even more amazing group of people to enjoy it with. Our team is really excited about the Kammok space and we have a huge year planned for the Austin community. Be on the look out for Kammok happy hours, game days/activities and movie nights at the Kammok HQ in 2014! Maybe there is a batch of Kammok Roo Brew being created as we speak?! Stay tuned...
Much love to CTC International, Krochet Kids, Bearded Brothers, Daily Greens, and P Terry's for setting up and being a part of the day! Make sure and check all of those crews out, they are truly inspiring brands and organizations! Big thanks to Steve and Ashley Rokks for the pictures and love! www.rokkspictures.com
See ya soon!