Cord Pack
Extra gear cord to upgrade your existing products, or add length to secure guy-outs around camp.
- Easily suspend your camp tarps
- Creatively solve gear problems without the frustration of knot tying
- Repair old cord on tents, shelters, and bags
Cord Pack

No more knots
The Cord Pack is for easy gear repairs or creatively solving problems around camp – no knots needed. Our Minnow Clips™ make it possible to upgrade existing products, or add length to your weather shelter, with – that’s right – no knot tying. Simply use our Minnow Clips to fasten the cord to itself, or other gear, and stand in amazement at the magic of knotless cord.
Minnow Clips™
Born out of equal parts love for quick attachment devices and a frustration with tying knots, our Minnow Clips are made from a strong pack hook and a line-lock cord adjuster, fit with pre-cut cord lengths that are color-coded to specify each length. Simply use the pack hook to attach the Minnow Clip to the desired tent tie-out, and stake the cord-end to the ground. Minnow Clips are designed for ultimate adjustability, and can be easily moved to different tie-out points on your tent, tarp, or hammock.
Note: this Cord Pack is the same cord & minnow clips that are sold with Sunda.