A steady resting place should never be out of reach. With the proper equipment, you can find comfort wherever your feet wander. That’s where we come in. Kammok designs technical outdoor gear to elevate your time outside. Strong and versatile, Kammok gear goes everywhere you do – on the ground or in the air.
Our team is united by a single passion: creating adventure grade, better made gear to elevate your time outside. In all we do, we seek to fulfill our core values of adventure, community and love. Our products are backed by an Adventure Grade guarantee, so you can rest easy knowing we’ve got your back.
Our story
2010. A fall from a hammock and Kammok was born.
His first time hammock camping, Greg’s sleep was interrupted by the sound of a tear and a fall to the ground. Hooked on hammock camping, Greg was let down by the lack of quality equipment in the outdoor market. There, he saw an opportunity for a better hammock, one that was more durable and more inviting.
A natural leader and champion of others, Greg McEvilly founded Kammok and designed our flagship Roo Double hammock with a mission to merge his passions for community, business, and the outdoors. His vision was to equip and inspire life changing time outside through gear that would maintain comfort and durability on the wildest of adventures – it had to be lighter, tougher, and longer lasting than the rest.
Today, Kammok designs technical and functional gear for spending time outside, from basecamp to backcountry. Our vision is that Kammok becomes a platform to encourage more time outside, from the gear and apparel we create, to the stories and people we celebrate.

Our mission
Our mission is to elevate time outside by designing adventure grade, better made gear.
Adventure grade. We're committed to designing lasting, technical gear to elevate time outside. Our gear allows you to pack less and go further with stronger, lighter fabrics and best-in-class construction. Each Kammok product is backed by our lifetime warranty.
Better made. Kammok ensures that the sustainable life cycle of each product begins in production. Every step of the way, we’ve opted for stronger fabrics, cleaner chemicals, and recycled materials, when possible, to minimize our footprint and lengthen the life of our gear.
Our mission is driven by our core values of adventure, community, and love. We believe these values make time outside a transformative experience.
Our hearts beat the fastest outside of our comfort zones. Big or small, adventure gives us wide eyes and a fresh perspective necessary to seeing the world anew.
To seek adventure is one thing, to share the journey with others is another experience entirely. We encourage ourselves and our community to know and be known by others, a great risk with even greater reward.
The invisible thread binding each of us together – love is the giving of yourself for the betterment of others. We believe it’s the greatest adventure of all.
It is through these three pillars that time outside becomes transformative. It is our goal to help you spend more time outside with those you love whether you’re a first time camper or an expert outdoorsman.