Buy camp gear, give to young explorers.
We believe in the growth that comes from experiences outdoors.
Yet, the average teen spends less than 7 minutes a day outside, and over 7 hours in front of screens. The benefits that come from playing, discovering, growing, and building community outdoors are profound and wildly important. That’s why we’re investing in young explorers: to foster rich experience outdoors and inspire a lifetime of adventure.
When you buy our camp gear, your purchase goes toward mentoring young explorers, creating transformational outdoor experiences, and building lasting communities for Austin's youth.

What this investment looks like is different for each one of our young adventurers. For Elyse, it’s a devoted counselor who provides confidence and support through middle school. For Oliver, it’s a knot-tying guru who teaches him a double figure-eight. For Esteban, it’s a group of young men who value and support him through a particularly difficult time. And for Karen, it’s a group of strong young women who listen with undivided attention and walk alongside her. Our supports allows for Explorers to pursue a life of meaning and stretch themselves in the natural world, a world that can be inherently scary and dangerous. Explorers are doing this in a supportive, structured setting and building community at the same time.
Through our 1% For the Planet commitment, we give to organization like Explore Austin that provide the opportunity to young explorers to grow and be mentored outdoors.
Meet the Explorers.
Our group of explorers is footloose and fearless. A combined crew of 28 young men and women, they are bold, strong, and ready to champion the outdoors alongside their 10 mentors–who will lead them through outdoor adventure courses and leadership training for the next 6 years.

Our partner
Our primary partner is Explore Austin, a nonprofit equipping youth in Austin to make positive life choices through leadership, mentoring, and adventure. Over the course of the six-year program, each Explorer spends more than 1,300 hours with their Mentors and fellow Explore teammates, creating life-long changes in character, integrity, courage, and resilience–all skills additive to human flourishing and beneficial for civic engagement. Students with these skills are more likely to contribute to their local communities in a positive in impactful way in their adolescent and adult lives.
In 2017, with your support, Kammok is sponsoring two Explore Austin teams, kicking off what will become a six-year-long commitment.
Read more about Explore Austin and how you can become a mentor here.

We are 1% For the Planet members, a global organization of companies that commit to donating 1% of topline revenue each year to social and environmental causes.

Evaluated by B Lab, we have committed our business practices to reach a high caliber of social and environmental sustainability. Kammok is proudly B Corp certified.