10 Inspirational Photos to Get you Outside!

Posted by: Ty Clark

I have traveled all over the globe in my short 39 years (2 months till 40 hits!) on this magnificent planet and seen some absolutely inspirational places on 5 different continents.  Every time my eyes fall on peoples observations of the beauty they have stumbled upon, my traveling juices get flowing.  Here are 10 absolutely stunning and inspirational photos from around the world. I hope they get you excited to run outside and enjoy nature!  If you are ready for adventure visit the Kammok website www.kammok.com

Obersee Germany | Carl Tush

British Columbia | Callum Snape

Dolomites Italy | Marco Pierotti

Elbe Sandstone Mtns, Germany | Rolf Nachbar

Glacier NP, Montana | Steven Davis

Landmannlauger, Iceland | Brynjar Agustsson

Matterhorn, Itlay | Ennio Pozzetti

Obersee Germany | Carl Tush

Padre Bay, Utah | Mike Reyfman

Saskatchewan Glacier, Canada | Callum Snapepng

Don't forget to check out the Kammok website!


Ty Clark

Director of MOBilization